Entry 7: The Power of Blogging
I believe that the future of the classroom relies in technology. I feel that many teachers are afraid to embrace technology when it comes to the classroom. What does a classroom fully integrated with technology look and feel like? I have seen many teachers use pieces of technology into their classroom such as using apps like Kahoot to inspire student learning but it's not always a smooth transition. The teachers I've been paired up with in the past have stated they only use certain online tools but won't go beyond that. From my experience talking with other teachers, they state that it takes up too much time and the transition between points of the lesson become disjointed. How can we make teachers feel excited by technology and not view it as a hinderance. I believe that one of the best strategies to accomplish this herculean task is blogging. Blogging is not only a process that can be done step by step but it also provides the classroom with tremendous support when it co...